Navigating life's journey...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Saturn/Pluto Conjunctions of the 1940's, Wars, and Past Lives

This material comes from the book Cosmos and Psyche by the American cultural historian and philosopher Richard Tarnas of the California Institute of Integrated Studies.

The presence of the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in hard aspect in a chart compel an individual to become involved in certain things which are in turn related to past periods in history when that same aspect was active. 

Hard aspects = the conjunction (next to each other), the square (forming a 90 degree angle to each other), or opposition (opposite each other - 180 degrees from each other).

Of these, the conjunction is the strongest.

Positive Saturn-Pluto

Saturn-Pluto periods are characterized by courage and sacrifice, by intensely focused, silent and strenuous effort in the face of danger and death, by a deepening capacity for moral discernment born from experience or from suffering, and by the transformation of existing structures, whether they be material, political, or psychological.

Positive Saturn works to reveal grave wrongdoing and moral scandal by those in power - Saturn’s judgment against Pluto’s greed, power, and public corruption.

Positive Saturn-Pluto people seem to have more than their share of suffering in this life and from other lifetimes when the forces of darkness were strong. That suffering has transformed them into people with an inordinate amount of compassion for others and a desire to right injustice whenever they see it.  They have an innate ability to see the dark side of life and feel compelled to transform it into light.

They seem to be possessed of an underlying sense that they are living lives with special moral responsibilities, sometimes with the heavy burden of history on their shoulders.

Negative Saturn-Pluto
Those who use the Saturn and Pluto conjunction negatively are into power, prestige, the control of others, and the accumulation of wealth. Those are the driving forces of their lives - the negative side of Saturn and Pluto.

Negative Saturn-Pluto has to do with:
·       War, with its resulting death and destruction
·       Conservative social and political views that have to do with control and power over others corporate pressures for more power, more wealth, and more control of the citizens of a country
·       Fundamentalist religious beliefs and those who use the threat of hell in order to control the actions of others and to retain power
·       The desire to dominate and exploit nature
·       Cruelty to animals
·       Policies of exploitation and colonialism in countries whose people are deemed ‘less than’ the colonizers.
·       The genocide of indigenous peoples
·       Genocide, ethnocide, and mass killings
·       The oppression of a people by its leaders

Positive Saturn-Pluto people reincarnate during the darkest of times to stand against these forces of negative Saturn-Pluto. They feel compelled to do so. They have seen too much in this lifetime and in previous ones lived before to stand idly by and let these things happen again.

In the twentieth century, Saturn - Pluto events included:

·       The build-up and eruption of World War I in 1913-1916

·       The mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks - 1914-1915

·       The emergence of fascism in Europe and the beginning of Hitler’s rise to power - 1921-1923

·       The Great Depression worldwide, the rise of the Nazis in Germany, the rise of Stalin in Russia, with the deaths of millions under the Stalin regime, the rise of fascism in Japan - 1929-1933

·       The war against Franco and fascism in Spain, the invasion of Poland in 1939, the fall of France, the blitzkrieg in London, the Holocaust in Germany, the development of the atomic bomb by the United States - 1939 - 1941

  • The beginning of the Cold War, the arms race, the CIA established, Joseph McCarthy and the paranoia about Communist “spies,” the public’s first knowledge of the horrors of the Holocaust, the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, John Hershey’s account of the horrific effects of the atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima - 1946
  • India’s independence and the turmoil and destruction that followed, the assassination of Ghandi – June 1946 to September 1948
·       The escalation of the Vietnam War and the beginning of protests against it, the strong civil rights movement in the South in the United States - 1964 - 1967

·       The Khmer Rouge’s killing over a million Cambodians - 1973-1975

·       Wars in the Middle East, terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland, the death squads in Central American the backlash against the freedom movements of the 1960’s, the rise of religious fundamentalism worldwide - the 1980’s

Other historical Saturn-Pluto time periods include:
·       the time of the trial and death of Socrates - 397 BCE
·       the time of Jesus’ trial - 28 to 30 CE
·       the time of St. Augustine and his doctrine of original sin - 410 AD
·       the invasion of the Roman Empire by Huns, Visigoths, and Vandals - 5th century
·       the Pope’s Crusades against the Muslims in Jerusalem - 1099
·       the Pope’s Crusade against the peaceful Cathars in the south of France - 1209
·       the Black Death plague throughout Europe - 1348-51  
·       the time of the ‘heretical’ astronomer Copernicus -1600’s
·       Galileo’s trial in the 1600’s
·       the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation
·       the genocide of native peoples by Columbus in 1492
·       the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492

If you are reading this because you have a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, square, or opposition in your chart,

and you feel a very deep sense of connection to any one or more of these periods, so that you feel compelled to learn everything there is to know about it, chances are almost 100% that you lived before during that time period , and that you had the moral courage to stand up against the forces of darkness during those lifetimes.

It’s the very reason you chose to come back into this particular lifetime.

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