(The greatest majority of this comes from Cosmos and
Psyche by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. I’ve
condensed it to make it easier to read and added a few more dates.)
If you were born from roughly 1951 to 1958 or from 1992 to
1996, then you have a hard aspect between Uranus and Neptune in your chart. You
may be drawn to any of the following and you may have experienced other
lifetimes in any of the past Uranus/Neptune historical time periods below.
On one level Uranus/Neptune brings non-conformist ideas and
activities (Uranus) that combine with spirituality (Neptune).
These include:
new religions
new philosophical movements
widespread spiritual awakenings
an interest in life after death
mystical spirituality
a collective belief that a different world will
take the place of this one
spiritually - inspired political activism
Historical Uranus/Neptune time periods include:
590 - 550 B.C.E. The
birth of Taoism in China
time of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece
major prophets of Judaism; the Hebrew scriptures composed
time of Zoraster in Persia
age of Buddha in India
time of Pythagoras and the Greek philosophers
402 - 397 B.C.E The
time of Socrates
16 - 32 B.C.E The
time of Jesus and his original spiritual teachings
612 - 630 C.E The founding of Islam by Mohammed
1214 -1230 C.E. The spread of Cathar Gnostic-Christian beliefs
in southern France
The time of St.
Francis of Assisi
1301-1314 C.E. Mystical
fervor in Europe - Dante; Meister Eckhart in Germany;
Zohar composed and the teaching of the Kabbalah in Spain;
1385 C.E. The
King James version of Bible printed in England
1568 John Knox’s Presbyterian
movement in Scotland
teaching of the Kabbalah in Jerusalem
1643 - 1654 The
Quakers founded
The Puritan Revolution and civil
war in England - (coincided with Uranus/Pluto)
1728 - 1740 Methodism
founded by John Wesley in England
The first ‘Great Awakening” in the
American colonies with its intention to ‘create a new Israel in America
1824 - 1829 Mormonism
Ba’hai faith founded
Science founded
The second ‘Great Awakening’ -
camp revivals, evangelism carried out by Baptist and Methodist lay preachers
Calvinism displaced by personal
salvation and free will in Christianity
1906 - 1918 The rise of Spiritualism with
its emphasis on life after death after the
deaths of millions in World War I
Steiner, who joined Christianity and Buddhism
Yogananda and
Krishnamurti in India
Pentecostalism founded
On a different level, hard aspects between Uranus and
Neptune also bring technological innovation (Uranus) combined with imagination
and changes in consciousness (Neptune).
These include:
heightened creativity
artistic and scientific innovations
transpersonal psychology
the search for a higher reality
Utopian social visions
a blurring
between fantasy and reality
periods of
spiritual confusion and disorientation
the susceptibility of the public to mass entrancements
Time periods include:
300 B.C.E. Plato
composes The Republic
1480 - 1486 The
Renaissance in Italy, including the works of Leonardo DaVinci
1820 - 1829 Romanticism in Europe - the
poetry of Keats and Shelley;
Beethoven’s - “Ode to Joy” in classical
Jung’s spiritual interpretation of dreams
philosophy emerged - William James, Alfred North Whitehead
first photographs invented
in Europe and America
discovery of the Rosetta Stone in Egypt
founding of Egyptology
1906 - 1918 Ghandi
joined spirituality and activism in India
pictures invented and began to influence the public mind
use of hypnotism
The increased use of absinthe,
laudanum by the public
1951 - 1958 The use of mind-altering
psychedelic drugs to achieve spiritual enlightenment or to experience a different
The dramatic
increase in alcoholism after World War II
‘Beat’ movement and rise of the Beatniks
Zen movement
The international 'revivals' of Billy Graham, evangelist
1992 - 1994 The
development of the Internet and social media speeds up flow of information
interconnectedness of global communities
The loss of distinct cultural
traditions, languages, religions, and communities through mass media,
globalization, and immigration
The growth of Christianity -
Pentecostal, evangelical, charismatic, and Holiness - through missionary work
The spread of Mormonism
The rise of Korean mega-churches
The reassertion of ‘Biblical
values’ combined with nationalism in America
Cult movements
like Heavens’ Gate, the Branch Davidians, etc.
Evangelical Christian music -
Christian rock, ‘praise and worship’ music
Mass prayer vigils
A renewed interest in past lives,
the near-death experience, life after death, angels, divination, the Tarot,
astrology, and numerology
renewed interest in the West in Rumi
renewed interest in the West in Buddhism
interest in shamanism of indigenous cultures
renewed interest in Gnosticism
having to do with myth, legend, and otherworldly themes
The prevalence of addictions to
drugs, alcohol, consumerism, video games, the Internet, and social media
Widespread fascination and
addiction to ‘image’ as created by mass media
The saturation of consciousness by
technologically produced hyper-stimulating images on TV and the Internet
Free access to music, films, and
images from the Web - all of which can be revised and inter-spliced to create
another reality
Computer hacking
use of cell phones which subject others to one’s own reality
The extensive marketing of new prescription drugs by the media
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