Navigating life's journey...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pisces places, cultures, time periods, affinities

If you have the South Node in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces (born from early 1961 to roughly mid-1968 or from 2011 to the present), planets in Pisces in your 12th house, or an Interception involving Pisces in your chart, you may be inexplicably drawn to any of the following places, cultures, time periods, or affinities as a result of other lifetimes.

In the reverse, if you have an intense aversion to one or more of them for no viable reason, you may have experienced a traumatic lifetime having to do with them. This is especially true of the sign and house where Chiron falls in your chart because Chiron has to do with healing old wounds, both from this lifetime and others. I'll address possible Chiron/wounding scenarios for each sign in the next series of posts.

At some point in your life you may be drawn to the places you feel a deep aversion to in order to heal the wounds of that lifetime.  Many times this "pull" will come when an outer planet - Uranus, Neptune or especially Pluto, conjuncts an important planet/point in your chart.

Pisces past life indicators may show:

A lifetime during the period the life of Jesus
The Essenes
The Gnostics


Eastern temples

Medieval life during the building of the great cathedrals
Cultlures where the oceans played a vital role
A need to live by large bodies of water - oceans or lakes - to increase spiritual experiences

Galicia, Spain

Medieval pilgrimages to Saint John Compostella, Spain
Normandy, France
The sacrifice of self for others
Music as a path to spirituality
The theatre

Places of retreat

Alexandria, Egypt

North Africa
Seville, Spain

Significant Pisces Dates:

February 21 - Battle of Verdun began - WW I
February 21 - Malcolm X, American civil rights leader, assassinated
February 27 - Nazis burn Reichstag building in Germany
March 11     - Spanish flu reaches America - thousands die worldwide
March 12/13 - Nazis enter Austria
March 14    -  Krakow Poland Ghetto liquidated by Nazis - WW II
March 16    -  Cathar stronghold of Montsegur in Occitania (southern France) surrenders to Crusaders
March  16   -  My Lai massacre - U.S. troops kill over 500 Vietnamese men, women, and children in Vietnam War
March  19       Nazis enter Hungary

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