Navigating life's journey...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Past Life Indicators in an Astrology Chart

There are several different planets and points that can be used to determine past lives in a chart.

Some astrologers emphasize the planet Saturn because it’s considered by many to be a “karmic” planet, one that shows the consequences of actions you took in other lives before this one.

Other astrologers will look to the position of the planet Pluto.

The one indicator that most astrologers will agree on, however, is the position of the South Node in the chart.   

When using symbols to interpret a chart, I’ve found that the symbol for the South Node is the past life indicator that most people will instantly recognize in themselves.  This applies even when there is a planet immediately next to the South Node that has a different symbol.

The South Node has been given a bad rap by some astrologers who associate it with loss or negative karma. 

I don’t see it that way.  In my experience, the position of the South Node in your chart shows the experience, skills and knowledge that you bring in from other lifetimes.  You can use these to accomplish what you are meant to do in this one.  

What you are meant to do – your purpose – is shown by the North Node in your chart. The North Node may seem more difficult to you, because in most cases you’ve never done it before.  The South Node feels more comfortable because you’ve done it so many times before.

These are the past life indicators I personally look for when I do a chart:

  • The South Node (the Mean South Node, not the True one)
  • Planets next to the South Node
  • The 12th house and planets in it
  • Chiron’s position by sign and house
  • An Interception in the chart

(An Interception shows that there was something that you failed to complete in one or more lifetimes before this one, and you’re bound and determined to do it this time around.  Not every chart contains an Interception.)

In the next post, I hope to give the possible places/cultures associated with each sign, beginning with Aries.  If you have the South Node in Aries in your chart, and are inexplicably drawn to one or more of them, it’s very likely that you experienced another lifetime there.


  1. Thank you so much for your post. I, too, feel that SN is more-or-less a pure representation of "been there, done that" and am comfortable/familiar with this. Possibly subconscious memories of how to do things in that sign / preferences to be in environments that represent its house. My SN is Scorpio in 12th, and I've been able to connect to these two aspects TREMENDOUSLY in my life, despite a heavy stellium in Sagittarius in 1st. In my opinion, how "good" or "bad" your SN is depends on how it aspects to the sign in which its sitting, aspects to the house, and other aspects it makes outside that house/sign. Best Wishes.

    1. Do you know the degree of your mean (not True) South Node in Scorpio? If so, you can send it to me and I'll let you know the symbol for that particular degree. (If you don't, you can do your chart on and check the box for Mean Node rather than the True Node that is the default for their charts.) The symbol for the degree of the South Node can give much information that we wouldn't ordinarily have.
      I too have the South Node in Scorpio, and relate to what you're saying. It's not the easiest South Node to have! You can also look on the Scorpio places on the blog and see if any of those places "fit" you for more insight.
