Navigating life's journey...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Part One: Astrology and Past Lives – Reading Signs and Symbols

There are many past-life indicators in a chart.  Each one of them is represented by an astrological sign and degree. There are 360 degrees in the zodiac and each degree has its own symbol.

To illustrate, if Gemini 26° is on the cusp of the 12th house, a past-life indicator, in your chart:

The sign, Gemini, can point you to
·         Specific time periods
·         Specific places where you may have lived in other lives

Among Gemini places/time periods are:

Europe during the Middle Ages; the era of knights and castles; the Crusades; trade caravans to India and China; the upper class in France or England; kingdoms before the modern European nation-states.

Tripoli; Alexandria, Egypt; Belgium; Lombardy; Cordoba, Spain; London, England; Nuremberg, Germany; Versailles, France.

If you are drawn to, or have an intense aversion to, any of the time periods or places described by Gemini, it’s very likely that you experienced another lifetime there.

The symbol for the degree of a past life indicator can give you clues to:
  • Events or scenarios that may have taken place in other lifetimes
  • Personality traits you embodied then
  • Skills and knowledge that you bring in to this lifetime

Using our example, one of the symbols for Gemini 26° is:

In the depths of the forest, an exiled king looks through ice-covered branches to the far reaches of the night sky.

Placing the situation described by the symbol into the proper country /time period can provide you with valuable clues to other lifetimes. 

Past-life indicators in a chart are connected and form a common theme.  An experienced astrologer will be able to find this theme and provide you with insights about who you were in other lives, the skills or knowledge you may have learned then, and what you came in to accomplish in this one.  

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