Navigating life's journey...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saturn/Neptune Hard Aspects, Dark Nights of the Soul, and Past Lives

Again, the greater portion of this material comes from the book Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. of the California Institute of Integrated Studies.

His extensive research shows that the presence of the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in hard aspect in an individual’s chart compel the individual to become involved in certain things which are in turn related to past periods in history when that same aspect was active. 

My own research indicates that the individual with hard aspects of the outer planets likely experienced previous lifetimes during one or more of those same periods of history.

Saturn is concerned with physical reality, with cold hard facts, with what is.  Neptune is concerned with the beliefs that enable one to have hope for the future.  A hard aspect between Saturn and Neptune in the chart may cause a conflict between the two - a ‘dark night of the soul’ that challenges one’s faith in a benevolent Universe.

On a collective level, a hard aspect between Saturn and Neptune lends itself to physical and spiritual exhaustion, disillusionment, and low morale in the collective consciousness. The hidden actions and policies of the past become visible, and haunt the present.

For example, the Civil War over slavery in the United States began with excitement and certainty of a quick victory on both sides. A Saturn/Neptune opposition began in late 1861. As the war dragged on, with thousands of families on both sides affected by the deaths of loved ones, a deep sense of futility and hopelessness prevailed throughout the country.

Saturn/Neptune hard aspects may manifest in a positive or a negative way, depending on how the individual chooses to use them.

Used positively, Saturn/Neptune hard aspects involve:
  • An acute sensitivity to the suffering and sorrow of life, whether experienced by oneself or by others
  • Compassion for the wounded, the widowed, or the orphaned
  • A more than usual concern with death and its spiritual implications
  • The unmasking of deception and delusion
  • A critical attitude towards conventional religious beliefs combined with a serious spiritual vision of life
  • A sensitivity to the oppressive side of religious belief
  • The ability to discern truth from illusion 
The Dalai Lama was born July 8, 1935 under a Saturn/Neptune opposition. His sensitivity to the suffering of others and his compassion for others is always evident.

Vladimir Putin was born October 7, 1952 under a Saturn/Neptune conjunction. He has the ability to discern truth from illusion and is not afraid to unmask deception and delusion in the world we live in. He too has the same sensitivity to the suffering and sorrow of life and tries to ease it in his Russian people.

Negatively, the hard aspects of Saturn and Neptune may involve:
  • Tension between one’s ideals, hopes, dreams, and beliefs and the harsh realities of life
  • A difficult to diagnose personal or social malaise in reaction to tragic events and loss
  • A deep sense of melancholy or world-weariness
  • Conflict between religion and secularism, with each side believing the other to be in a state of delusion
  • A pervading sense of being haunted by guilt or responsibility for tragic events or loss, because one actually was responsible for such in other lifetimes
  • Self-deception
  • An ease in one’s ability to deceive and manipulate others
  • A refusal to see alternatives to one’s rigid belief system, rejecting the other as ‘evil’
  • An avoidance of critical self-refection
  • Difficult to diagnose psychosomatic symptoms - depression, insomnia
  • Toxic chemicals
  • Corporate control of drug interactions and data
  • The subtle poisoning of people’s minds 

During a Saturn/Neptune hard aspect, difficult psychological symptoms show up in the collective - free-floating anxiety, narcissism, escapism, denial, disassociation, autistic introversion, an over-concern with illness, the abuse of prescription drugs.

Some historical periods when Saturn/Neptune hard aspects were active include:

1861 to 1864               The Civil War in the United States - the sense of being caught in a futile and never-ending war; families’ attempts to communicate with deceased loved ones whose bodies were never recovered from battlefields; an entire nation in deep mourning for its dead

1899 to 1901               The Victorian Age, the age of the robber barons of industry (coincided
                                    with Saturn/Pluto), the use of absinthe and laudanum to suppress feelings of 

1908 to 1910               The burgeoning years of mass production and the exploitation of workers
                                    (Coincided with the Uranus/Neptune opposition from May 1908 to
March 1910.)

1916 to 1918               The last stages of World War I - the physical and spiritual exhaustion, disillusionment, and world-weariness of the populations of the world; families’ attempts to communicate with deceased loved ones who were buried overseas
1925 to 1927               The Scopes trial - God vs. science, the conflict between creationism and

1935 to 1937               The worldwide Depression (coincided with Uranus/Pluto); the public’s
horror at the German Condor Legion’s bombing of the innocent civilians of Guernica in the war against fascism in Spain, the rise of Hitler in Germany.

1943 to 1945               The final stages of World War II - the weariness of war by of the populations of the world; the worldwide despair, sorrow, and feelings of guilt upon the revealing of the horrors of the German concentration camps at the end of the war

1951 to 1953               The Korean War (deceptively labeled a ‘police action’, not a war, by the powers that be); the use of mind-altering drugs to suppress emotions; the Cold War and the West’s deceptive ‘arms race’ with Russia’, the public paranoia against communism, the overwhelming use of alcohol by World War II veterans dealing with trauma from the war

                                    (Coincided with Uranus/Neptune square from November 1951 to September 1953)

1962 to 1964               The worldwide outpouring of grief and mourning after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; the defeat of America’s ideals and hopes for a better future; the public’s despair, depression, and disorientation at the news of the assassination; the government cover-up of the perpetrators of the assassination
1970 to 1973               The last years of the Vietnam War; worldwide disillusionment, weariness and opposition to the war; the U.S government's cover-up of the massacres of innocent civilians throughout SouthVietnam; the U.S. government's deception about its ability to win the war; the dark humor of the TV series M*A*S*H (ostensibly about the Korean War) as a response to the suffering and hopelessness of those involved in the Vietnam War; the ultimate defeat of the Americans by the North Vietnamese.

1978 to 1980               The loss of faith during the last years of the Carter administration in America and the hostage situation in Iran; the deception of candidate Ronald Reagan in arranging a secret deal with the Iranians to delay the release of the hostages until after the election in order to defeat incumbent president Jimmy Carter.

1988 to 1990               The entry of the fundamentalist religious right movement into American politics, with its attempt to combine religious beliefs with political power; the age of materialism and consumerism; the emergence of gangs as a substitute for broken minority families; the rampant use of crack cocaine in destitute minority neighborhoods in cities of America and Europe; the first Gulf War fought over oil reserves.

                                    (Coincided with the Uranus/Neptune opposition from December 1988 to
                                    February 1990.)

1998 to 1999               The loss of diverse cultures, languages, religions, or communities through mass media, globalization, immigration, and international trade agreements; the development of the Internet with its resulting dissolution of boundaries between people; the increased use of hard drugs by people excluded from the culture of consumerism; the continued political influence of the Religious Right and other fundamentalist religions worldwide; the use of mass media as a source of propaganda meant to deceive the public; fear-inducing images in political campaigns; the second Gulf War over oil reserves.

2005                            The drowning of the city of New Orleans in Hurricane Katrina; the public’s sense of hopelessness and despair in the face of the suffering of the poor, the abandoned, the sick, and the frail in the hurricane and floods;  the narcissistic bubble of the U.S. leadership and its policies in the face of such a tragedy; the systemic failure of the infrastructures of government; the meth epidemic of 2005; the crack/cocaine epidemic; drug scandals among athletes; the withdrawal of prescription drugs from the market because of unexpected side effects in the population.

If you were born during one of these time periods and have a hard aspect between Saturn and Neptune in your chart,

and you feel a very deep and inexplicable connection to any one or more of these periods, chances are almost 100% that you had a previous life during that time period.

If you have chosen to manifest the negative aspects of Saturn/Neptune in this and other lifetimes, you would show no interest in reading this and consider it balderdash!

* * The world is now undergoing another hard aspect, the square, between Saturn and Neptune. It began in December 2014, is currently in effect from May to June 2015, and will occur again from September 2015 through October 2016.

Once again, we have worldwide physical and spiritual exhaustion having to do with endless war, and the continued manipulation of the public through deceitful actions and practices of those who want to keep the war going.

Those who have lived through similar events in other lifetimes, and who have previously dealt with the extreme sadness, feelings of despair or depression, and a deep sense of melancholy as a result of those events have reincarnated into this lifetime to address those issues. 

They may have to first overcome an addiction in order to fulfill what they came in to do. But they came into this lifetime to put a stop to endless war, lies, and deception, in whatever way they can.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Uranus/Neptune Natal Aspects - New Religions, Expansion of Consciousness, Mass Entrancements, and Past Lives

(The greatest majority of this comes from Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas, Ph.D.  I’ve condensed it to make it easier to read and added a few more dates.)

If you were born from roughly 1951 to 1958 or from 1992 to 1996, then you have a hard aspect between Uranus and Neptune in your chart. You may be drawn to any of the following and you may have experienced other lifetimes in any of the past Uranus/Neptune historical time periods below.

On one level Uranus/Neptune brings non-conformist ideas and activities (Uranus) that combine with spirituality (Neptune).

These include:
new religions
new philosophical movements
widespread spiritual awakenings
an interest in life after death
mystical spirituality
a collective belief that a different world will take the place of this one
spiritually - inspired political activism
Historical Uranus/Neptune time periods include:

590 - 550 B.C.E.         The birth of Taoism in China
                                    The time of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece
                                    The major prophets of Judaism; the Hebrew scriptures composed
                                    The time of Zoraster in Persia
                                    The age of Buddha in India
                                    The time of Pythagoras and the Greek philosophers
402 - 397 B.C.E          The time of Socrates
16 - 32     B.C.E          The time of Jesus and his original spiritual teachings
612 - 630     C.E          The founding of Islam by Mohammed
1214 -1230  C.E.         The spread of Cathar Gnostic-Christian beliefs in southern France
The time of St. Francis of Assisi
1301-1314   C.E.         Mystical fervor in Europe - Dante; Meister Eckhart in Germany;
                                    the Zohar composed and the teaching of the Kabbalah in Spain;
1385            C.E.         The King James version of Bible printed in England
1568                            John Knox’s Presbyterian movement in Scotland
                                    The teaching of the Kabbalah in Jerusalem
1643 - 1654                 The Quakers founded
The Puritan Revolution and civil war in England - (coincided with Uranus/Pluto)
1728 - 1740                 Methodism founded by John Wesley in England
The first ‘Great Awakening” in the American colonies with its intention to ‘create a new Israel in America

1824 - 1829                 Mormonism founded
                                    The Ba’hai faith founded
                                    Christian Science founded
The second ‘Great Awakening’ - camp revivals, evangelism carried out by Baptist and Methodist lay preachers
Calvinism displaced by personal salvation and free will in Christianity

1906 - 1918                 The rise of Spiritualism with its emphasis on life after  death after the deaths of millions in World War I
                                    Rudolf Steiner, who joined Christianity and Buddhism
Yogananda and Krishnamurti in India
Pentecostalism founded                        
On a different level, hard aspects between Uranus and Neptune also bring technological innovation (Uranus) combined with imagination and changes in consciousness (Neptune).

These include:
heightened creativity
artistic and scientific innovations
transpersonal psychology
the search for a higher reality
Utopian social visions
esoteric philosophy
a blurring between fantasy and reality
periods of spiritual confusion and disorientation
the susceptibility of the public to mass entrancements

Time periods include:

300 B.C.E.                   Plato composes The Republic

1480 - 1486                 The Renaissance in Italy, including the works of Leonardo DaVinci

1820 - 1829                 Romanticism in Europe - the poetry of Keats and Shelley;
Beethoven’s - “Ode to Joy” in classical music
                                    Carl Jung’s spiritual interpretation of dreams
                                    Esoteric philosophy emerged - William James, Alfred North Whitehead
                                    The first photographs invented
                                    Transcendentalism in Europe and America
                                    The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in Egypt
                                    The founding of Egyptology      
1906 - 1918                 Ghandi joined spirituality and activism in India
                                    Motion pictures invented and began to influence the public mind
                                    The use of hypnotism  
The increased use of absinthe, laudanum by the public

1951 - 1958                 The use of mind-altering psychedelic drugs to achieve spiritual enlightenment or to experience a different reality
                                    The dramatic increase in alcoholism after World War II
                                    The ‘Beat’ movement and rise of the Beatniks
                                    The Zen movement
                                    The international 'revivals' of Billy Graham, evangelist
1992 - 1994                 The development of the Internet and social media speeds up flow of information
                                    The interconnectedness of global communities
The loss of distinct cultural traditions, languages, religions, and communities through mass media, globalization, and immigration
The growth of Christianity - Pentecostal, evangelical, charismatic, and Holiness - through missionary work
The spread of Mormonism
The rise of Korean mega-churches
The reassertion of ‘Biblical values’ combined with nationalism in America
Cult movements like Heavens’ Gate, the Branch Davidians, etc.
Evangelical Christian music - Christian rock, ‘praise and worship’ music
Mass prayer vigils

A renewed interest in past lives, the near-death experience, life after death, angels, divination, the Tarot, astrology, and numerology
                                    A renewed interest in the West in Rumi
                                    A renewed interest in the West in Buddhism
                                    An interest in shamanism of indigenous cultures
                                    A renewed interest in Gnosticism
                                    Films having to do with myth, legend, and otherworldly themes

The prevalence of addictions to drugs, alcohol, consumerism, video games, the Internet, and social media
Widespread fascination and addiction to ‘image’ as created by mass media
The saturation of consciousness by technologically produced hyper-stimulating images on TV and the Internet
Free access to music, films, and images from the Web - all of which can be revised and inter-spliced to create another reality
Computer hacking
                                    Public use of cell phones which subject others to one’s own reality
                                    The extensive marketing of new prescription drugs by the media

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Effects of the Uranus/Pluto Square of 2012 - 2015

Since September 2012 and lasting until March 16, 2015, six Uranus-Pluto squares have been taking place. This means that the Uranus/Pluto squares have shadowed at this past entire two and a half years.

Squares are motivators – they compel you to resolve the issues related to the planets involved in the square. 

Just as in the 1960’s, this has been a time of revolution worldwide. People who have been oppressed have risen up to overthrow corrupt leaders, and corruption has been exposed almost daily worldwide since 2012.

From this point forward, the old paradigms that we have so long been accustomed to (and longed to escape from) will begin to change. The people whose charts contain the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-to-late 1960’s are given opportunities to be forerunners in this change, pulling the rest of us along with them.

And, if any of the Uranus-Pluto squares hit a planet in our charts, we are also given an opportunity (whether it feels like one or not!) to change things on a personal level, to have our own personal revolution. 

It means that we can feel compelled to make a new start by letting go of any time-consuming and energy-draining people/situations that have been holding us back, or by totally rethinking the way we deal with them. It’s the ‘I’ve had enough, and I’m not taking this any more’ aspect, and in that respect, it’s a positive thing.

The exact dates and degrees of the Uranus/Pluto squares are:

Sept. 19, 2012             Uranus at Aries 6º57     Pluto at Capricorn 6º57
May 20, 2013              Uranus at Aries 11º14    Pluto at Capricorn 11º14
November 1, 2013      Uranus at Aries 9º25    Pluto at Capricorn 9º25
April 21, 2014            Uranus at Aries 13º34    Pluto at Capricorn 13º34
December 14, 2014    Uranus at Aries 12º35    Pluto at Capricorn 12º35
March 16, 2015          Uranus at Aries 15º17    Pluto at Capricorn 15º17

If you have planets, or any important points such as the Ascendant or the Midheaven in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn in any of the above degrees in your birth chart, then you will be affected by the Uranus/Pluto squares.

Houses Involved:
The house that holds the Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn planets in the above degrees will show you the areas of your life that you are being asked to change now.

If you should also have the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in your chart, the house that holds that conjunction will be affected. 

In general, the houses and the areas of life that they govern are:

1st house - your physical body, your personality, your identity, the way you appear to others, self-awareness, new beginnings, initiating new projects. 

2nd house - your own personal resources - financial ones and the skills and knowledge you possess,  feelings of self-worth, personal beauty, the things that make you feel physically secure, your personal values, the Earth and things having to do with the Earth such as plants, gardening, forests, and a love of music.

3rd house - your communications with others, the way you think and express yourself, writing, teaching, lecturing, using your mind to create, your immediate neighborhood and community, your relationship with your siblings. 

4th house - your physical home, the land itself, your mother, your family of origin, the way you mother or take care of others, your roots - your past, history, or traditions, extended family, clans or tribes, the things that make you feel emotionally secure,

5th house - children, your own personal ability to create, love and romance, acting and actors, the theatre, movies, and the entertainment industry, the ability to play and have fun, feelings of self-esteem, taking risks or chances, big-hearted generosity toward others. 

6th house - work, health, service to others, healing and all types of healers - doctors, nurses, veterinarians or alternative healers - nutrition, food as medicine, the analytical mind and the need for perfection, animals, including pets, the military, and those who seek to reform corrupt people or institutions.

7th house - relationships in which you share resources, such as in a marriage or a business partnership, harmony, diplomacy and peacekeeping, the need for balance and equality in relationships, justice, social groups, awareness of others as opposed to an awareness of the self (1st house), beautiful things, including those in the arts - paintings, sculptures, photography, and the artists who create them.

8th house (the Pluto house) - the death of an old way and birth of a new one, in-depth research, inheritances or debts (because both have to do with other people’s money), the continuing existence of life after death, the near-death experience, things that are hidden, things going on below the surface of public knowledge, the study of the ‘occult,’ the business world.

9th house - philosophy, higher wisdom, colleges and universities, long distance travel to other countries, exploration, sports, religion and the clergy, the need for freedom, including the freedom to explore other cultures and other belief systems, books and publishing. 

10th house - your work in the world (which may or may not be your actual career), your reputation, how others see you as a force in the world, your achievements in the outer world, your father, serving as a mentor to others.

11th house (the Uranus house) humanitarian efforts to make the world a better place, groups of like-minded individuals who are trying to do just that, your dreams and hopes for the future, an inclination towards the future rather than the past, friendships, social media, television and the Internet, aviation, astrology.

12th house - mysticism, dreams, illusions, fantasy, other dimensions of reality, visions of other worlds, past lives, places of retreat such as monasteries or temples, spirituality, any of the arts, including films, that provide an escape from ordinary reality, self-sacrifice, addictions, deceit and deception, compassion for others.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Uranus/Pluto Conjunction of 1964 -1969, Revolutions, and Past Lives

“The presence of the outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in hard aspect in a chart compel an individual to become involved in certain things which are in turn related to past periods in history when that same aspect was active.”  Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. in Cosmos and Psyche.

The hard aspects are the conjunction, the square, and the opposition.  Hard aspects of Uranus and Pluto are rare.  These two planets only come together in a conjunction every 100 - 120 years. 

Uranus is awakening; Pluto is depth.  Any hard aspect - conjunction, square, or opposition - between them indicates a deep awakening in the population that changes the paradigms of a culture.

The combined energy when these two planets come together can be likened to a fault line (Uranus) beneath a volcano (Pluto).  When it goes, the landscape (and one’s society) is forever changed.

Pluto in its most negative form is the oligarchy, and Uranus seeks to overturn those in power and focus on the needs of the common people.

If you were born from 1929 to 1937 and from 1964 to 1969, you have a hard aspect between Uranus and Pluto in your chart.

There was a square between Uranus and Pluto in 1929 to 1937 and a rare conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in 1964 to 1969.

The conjunction is an extremely strong influence in the charts of people born from 1964 to 1969.  The house that contains it in their charts is the point where they will experience a personal revolution in their way of thinking that has the potential to influence the society in which they live.
They likely had previous lives during other time periods influenced by Uranus-Pluto hard aspects.

Some of these other revolutionary Uranus-Pluto time periods include:

  • The fall of Constantinople and mass emigration of scholars to the West that precipitated the Renaissance
  • The time of Guttenberg and the printing press - 1450’s
  • The Scientific Revolution of the 1600’s - the time of Kepler and Galileo and revolutionary thinking in astronomy 
  • The culture of Peter the Great and St. Petersburg in Russia in the very early 1700’s
  • The beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the steam engine which began the age of coal, steam, and iron - 1705 to 1711 
  • The beginning of mass production techniques and the mechanization of the textile industries - 1787 
  • The French Revolution -1789 
  • The invention of the cotton gin in the southern United States - 1793 
The Uranus - Pluto conjunction of 1845 to 1856:

  • The discovery of oil’s use as fuel and the beginning of the age of oil - 1845-1846
  • Revolutionary upheaval in almost every capital of Europe from 1848 to 1849 - in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Dresden, Baden, Prague, Rome, and Milan
  • The Pope forced to leave Rome because of revolutionary forces - late 1840’s
  • Anti-slavery and abolitionist movements led by Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman in the United States - late 1840’s 
  • The women’s suffrage/right to vote movement - late 1840’s
  • Darwin’s theory of evolution - 1855
  • The invention of the telegraph, railroads, and huge steamships - late 1840’s
  • Karl Marx wrote “The Communist Manifesto”
  • Thoreau wrote “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”
  • India’s citizens’ rebellion against the British Empire
  • Rebellion in China 
  • The forced opening of Japan to the West 

The Uranus - Pluto opposition of 1898 to 1907:

  • Progressive and radical labor movements in Europe and North America in the late 1890’s in protest against industrialist robber barons - coincided with Saturn/Pluto - 1898
  • International Workers of the World (the IWW) labor union founded in opposition to the Robber Barons of industry
  • The Dreyfuss Affair and Emil Zola’s letter to the President of France - ‘J’accuse’ re anti-Semitism in France - 1898 - coincided with Saturn/Pluto
  • Major socialist parties founded in England, the U.S., Russia and France
  • Bolsheviks under Lenin and Trotsky began modern Communism
  • The emergence of jazz in the black community in New Orleans
  • A militant womens’ rights movement began - 1903
  • The Black civil rights movement began - the Niagara protest movement - 1903
  • The Wright brothers developed the first airplane - 1903
  • The development of radio and moving pictures - early 1900’s
  • The beginning of mass production of automobiles, buses, trucks, motorcycles
  • The discovery of oil in Texas - early 1900’s
  • The beginning of oil exploration in the Middle East - early 1900’s 
  • The Russian Revolution of 1905-1906
  • The Sinn Fein nationalist independence movement in Ireland - early 1900’s 
The Uranus - Pluto square of 1929 to 1937:

*** This coincides to the time we are now going through - the Uranus - Pluto square of 2007 to 2015.

  • The worldwide Great Depression with its mass migrations of refugees from the Midwest Dust Bowl - early 1930’s  - Coincided with Saturn/Pluto - 1930 to 1932
  • Massive worker protest movements and labor strikes, coal miner’s strikes, in the 1930’s  - coincided with Saturn/Pluto - 1930-1932 
  • The empowerment of labor unions worldwide 
  • The rise of mass movements, both good and bad - socialism, communism, fascism, the mass Nuremberg rallies of Hitler in Germany, the rise of gangsters, the rise of the Mafia
  • The election of the people’s Popular Front and its radical government reforms in Spain - 1934 - 1936
  • Upsurge of Marxist and radical Socialist movements worldwide
  • Radical church reform led by Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker publication
  • Protest music - Woody Guthrie
  • Swing and big band music nationwide from Harlem to L.A. brought freedom in music and new social pressures for racial integration
  • The time of progressive leaders such as Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, H.G. Wells,Jane Adams, W.E.B. DuBois, and Emmeline Pankhurst who were active in the social reform movements of their time
  • Writers became actively involved in political and social issues. 
  • Physicists split the atom bomb - 1932, nuclear fission arrived - 1934 
Uranus - Pluto conjunction - 1964 to 1969:

* Coincides with Saturn/Pluto - February 1965 to May 1967
  • Worldwide student protest movements and government backlash against them
  • Worldwide demonstrations against the Vietnam War 
  • Anti-government demonstrations and police brutality at the Democratic convention in Chicago
  • Civil Rights marches and police brutality against the marchers
  • The nationwide surge of Freedom Riders to the southern United States
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech at massive civil rights march on Washington 
  • The killing of college students by the National Guard at Kent State University in Ohio
  • Worldwide movements for independence by colonized countries 
  •  Liberation movements worldwide 
  •  Calls for radical change in the institutions and the systems of a country, including the health system
  • Radical changes in the country’s cultural life - in music, books, and films
  • The mass exodus from organized religion worldwide 
  • Women’s lib and the rise of feminism
  • The rise of the gay and lesbian rights movement
  • A new consciousness of freedom
  • The energy and desire to construct a completely new kind of world                                                                                                                                                               

If you feel a intense connection to any one or more of these revolutionary time periods and
you have a Uranus/Pluto hard aspect in your chart, chances are almost 100% that you experienced a past life during that time.