If you have the South Node in Cancer, Chiron in Cancer
(roughly 1988 to mid-1991, early 1938 to mid-1941), planets in Cancer in the
12th house, or an Interception involving Cancer in your chart, you
may feel intensely drawn to one or more of the following because you lived there in other lifetimes:
Close-knit matriarchal cultures with lineage carried down
from women, with the children dependent on the mother or maternal relatives
Cultures in which the ocean played a vital role
Modern Pacific islands, such as Hawaii

Northern Africa – Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, the Sahara
Western Africa – the Ivory coast; Senegal; Mauritania;
Guinea; Ghana; Nigeria; Timbuktu, Mali
Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey)
The aboriginal cultures of New Zealand
Paraguay, South America
Cadiz, Spain
Milan, Italy
Genoa, Italy
Venice, Italy
York, England
Bern, Switzerland
Stockholm, Sweden
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The South in the United States
Significant Dates:
June 22 - France surrendered to Germany in WWII
June 22 - Germany invaded Russia in WWII
July 1 - Battle of Gettysburg in U.S. Civil War
July 1 - Battle of the Somme - WWI
July 10 - Battle of Britain (air battle) - WWII
July 18 - Spanish Civil War began - precursor to WWII